Life without a phone

6:09 PM

Being asked with the question "What is the most important material thing  you can't live without?" or "You can't leave your house with what object?", Most of us will answer without hesitation our are smartphones or our phones. Two months ago If I were to asked that question, I would instantly answer that because It was like my phone was attached to me, It was like my world revolved around it. But two dark months ago my phone was snatched from me and It was like a whole part of my life was gone. It wasn't easy at first but as a few weeks passed it wasn't so bad after all,It wasn't the end of the world.I have realized and learned some things losing my phone and I wanted to share it to you guys.

1. There's more to life than social media.
Our generation today revolves around the world of social media, Sharing our feelings and thoughts to the world via twitter or Facebook, posting where we are,what we ate, or what we wore for that day on Instagram. Well that isn't so bad at all because social media connects people and it brings out the art of what people can do but there's more to life than that. You can go on dates, Go to a museum, Ride a bike, Exercise. There's a lot you can do, don't let your self get hung up on social media(but that isn't a bad thing too.).

2. Real life conversations > Texting.
As the title says it all, Real life conversations are so much greater than texting. Having coffee with a person, talking about endless things or heart felt conversations are better in real life because you get to see the emotions in their eyes, you can see their sincerity, their honesty. while in texting it sometimes lead into miscommunication and misinterpretation.

3. Appreciate things more.
When we use our phones we tend to forget the things around us, we get so busy texting or just being in social media that we forget to appreciate the things around us. When I lost my phone I got to appreciate the people, stuff and just the environment around me.

4. Live in the moment.
Being with a person who makes you forget to use your phone are the best kind of people and just makes you live in the moment. It's very similar when you don't have a phone, Just taking in and experiencing the moment at the time is not that bad. These moments are the stories you want to tell your grand children to when your old, the glory days you and your friends did.

5. Some moments don't always need to be captured.
Not all moments need to captured. There are some memories that you want to keep to yourself or among your friends. Memories that cannot be captured are the memories worth reminiscing for.

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  1. What a realization! Now I don't feel like using my phone anymore (kidding). Great job on the blog! Keep it up! :-)
