11:16 AM
It's been months since I last updated my blog but here i am blogging again cause it's officially summer. speaking of summer, I really had a good summer starter this 2015! I'VE JUST ATTENDED THE ON THE ROAD AGAIN TOUR!!!!!!!!
Just a brief background for some of you, I have this really sick obsession with one direction. It was during my junior year in high school where i first fell for this 5 lads but i always had an eye for the irish one, Niall james horan *heart eyes*. If you know me personally you know that i never shut up whenever 1D is the topic. I can still remember my carrot days where i knew every line of their video diaries and chase every bird in the streets and shout "KEVIN?!?!". The days where I spend my time stalking and fangirling about the boys ((ha ha ha ha as if i don't do that anymore these days)). Good times, good times. Ever since this obsession started I've never asked anything for my birthday because i was waiting for my boys to go here and have a concert and i wanted to watch them live of course.
After 3 years of waiting, OTRAT happened and i would personally like to thank my parents for sponsoring my ticket!
Considering that this was the first ever concert that I attended, I couldn't contain all the excitement that was rushing throughout my body and I literally haven't slept well the night before. God bless finals week was over and summer has officially started because i'd go bananas if it wasn't.
Fast forward to a few hours before the concert, I went inside the concert grounds at 5pm. Since it was a reserved seating section i didn't need to wait in line. Before the concert though i waited in line with my cousins and went around to check the venue. You can check out our video blog at Youtube:
When i got inside the concert grounds i was so shocked because of how close i was to the stage and i felt goose bumps because today is finally the day. After years of waiting today is the big day!
It was a good 2-3 hours of waiting for the boys to come out, they showed music videos of bands including 5SOS, little mix, olly murs and some 1d music videos. It rained really hard, since it was an open area we all got wet. I stayed in my seat the whole time it rained, It was really windy so it got really cold but it didn't stopped the adrenaline towards seeing the boys.
1 hour before the concert has official started a performance by DJ kc who dropped such incredible beats invaded the whole concert grounds in the middle of rain. It was like i attended a rave, all the people we're jumping and dancing to his mixes. When DJ kc left the stage a lot of us expected that the boys were gonna come out, but due to the rain the staff waited for it to stop.
Fast forward to the concert itself. As the lights got dimmed and they we're showing the opening video of the boys everyone including me was screaming to the top of our lungs and holding up their phones, I can feel the adrenaline pumping throughout my body. When the boys finally came out from the backstage i was already shaking and crying, my tears we're falling nonstop and i can't even hold my phone because i was shaking so much.
Now every time that clouds play in my phone i can still feel the rush,excitement,anxiety i felt during the concert. When i saw them on stage I couldn't believe that they were really there performing,singing and breathing the same air as me. I was shaking so much that my legs felt weak and that anytime i could faint. I really can't believe that the boys who've stole my heart, the boys that i idolized so much, the boys who kept me going for years existed in real life. It was really sad that only 4/5 came and now they were only 4/4 WE MISS YOU ZAYN!!! (even if i feel betrayed).
To end this post, I can say that this was a memorable first concert I had. I really enjoyed the show that they performed though they were incomplete that time. I had fun singing my heart out, screaming and chanting their names. It's really sad though that it all happened so fast, I really hope they comeback soon cause I'm still suffering from Post Concert Depression, and I think i'll be having PCD until they finally comeback. Til then i'll be here supporting my boys with the decisions they make. I really love them and they mean the world to me, they are family to me and i don't want to loose them anytime soon.